About Us

If you’re Over50, you grew up in a print world, then retooled for the digital world. Most likely you’ve mastered the software and tools you need for your job. And you’ll give up e-mail when they pry it from your cold, dead hands.

But maybe you’ve been slower to embrace the newer generation of web apps—social networking, blogging, YouTube, and the treasure trove of web tools that have changed the way we learn, travel, participate in politics, and get information.

That’s where WebOver50 comes in—the Over50s-friendly guide to all things web. We’ll sort through the glut of web apps and tell you:

  • What’s worth your time—and what’s not
  • How to become web smart without jeopardizing your safety or privacy

We’ll explain it all plainly and simply, without computer-speak or jargon.

About Marilynne Rudick

I’m a low-tech, Over50 history major. For the past 30 years I’ve parlayed my lack of technical know-how into a career, explaining computers and technology to people like you and me. I got into this occupation by the back door. Early on, I learned the secret to writing about technology so that non-techies could understand it was to ask a lot of questions until I understood it, then write it down.

I was an early adopter, buying my first computer in 1982, a clunky KayPro with a 9-inch screen. It was portable—the way sewing machines are. At the vanguard of computer-literate writers, I got involve writing computer guides for Time-Life Books, then user guides, help manuals and online help.

I became fascinated by how technology was changing the way we work and communicate. So, in 1996 with e-mail in its infancy and the Internet limited to computer geeks, I co-founded E-WRITE, a writing training and consulting company specializing in online writing. We develop and teach writing courses and write web content.

I’ve written web content for corporate clients (Sallie Mae, GEICO, eSylvan), government (Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum and Museum of American History, Energy Information Administration) and nonprofits (Muslims on Screen and Television, Pan American Health Organization).

I am the co-author of Clear, Correct, Concise E-Mail: A Writing Workshop for Customer Service Agents, now in its 12th printing.


    Why WebOver50?

    You'd like to learn more about social networking, blogs, and other web tools. But who's got the time, and where do you start?

    That's where we come in. We'll sort through the jungle of web apps and tell you what's WebOver50-friendly and fun. We'll tell you how to web-surf safely. And we'll explain things in plain English--no jargon or web speak.

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